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Inspiration from God's Word

Welcome to my blog! Let's glean treasures from the scriptures and use them in our creations.

My name is Kristina and I'm a crafter!! I love to make things and share them with others. I especially love to share the nuggets of wisdom and revelation that I get from studying the bible. God's word is full of layer upon layer of truth and treasure. Some that applied to the past that we can learn from and others that apply even to the present and the future. It's very exciting to me to find these hidden truths and then be able to share them with other people. This love for God's word is the inspiration for the crafts and projects that I make.

The LORD prompted me to use the skills and wisdom that He has put in me to further His kingdom here on earth. How does that work? Well, the crafts that I make are now for sale and proceeds from these sales are donated to ministries and used for benevolence to others all for the purpose of sharing the love of God for His people and the good news of salvation through Yeshua Hamashiack (Jesus Christ).

A Craft and a Lesson?

These crafts that I make come from inspiration and revelation of God's word. That means that, as I was studying, I had an "Ahah!" moment. I learned something amazing and I want to share it. I will create an art piece from that revelation. The art piece has a lesson that inspired it, so it's not just a cup or a bag or a canvas, but also a truth from the living word of God that you can now benefit from and share with others.

A perfect example of this is the Shepherd's cup. I was studying the Hebrew letter lamed לֹ and it is the picture of a shepherds staff. Psalm 23 says "The LORD is my Shepherd; I have all that I need." I love Psalm 23 because it speaks to anything we may need. If I need to pray, but I don't know what to say I can pray Psalm 23 and know that God is with me no matter what. He is directing my paths and leading me to the places I need to go whether its green pastures (rest and provision) or calm waters (refreshing). He directs me in paths of righteousness and He is walking with me through trials and tribulations. It is all about how Yeshua is our shepherd who cares for us and provides everything we need. I got inspired to create an image of a shepherd with the staff (לֹ lamed) using the words of Psalm 23. I came up short on words to complete the image, but thankfully God's word is never short on providing all that we need. I was able to finish the image with other verses about the good shepherd from the book of John chapter 10 verses 1-21.

The Shepherd's Cup. Inspired by the Hebrew letter לֹ 'lamed' and the truth that Yeshua is our good shepherd.

The cup also has the image of the Hebrew letter lamed and the number 30 because that is the number assigned to lamed in the Hebrew language. In Hebrew, each letter has a picture and a number meaning. The number 30 represents the blood sacrifice. We see this in Matthew 26:14-15 where Judas negotiated the price of 30 pieces of silver for betraying the Messiah.

Discovering the Hebrew language has been mind-blowing for me. It has opened up so much wisdom and understanding in the word because it is God's original language. It is full of layers and treasure as well. My hope is that this cup will inspire you to learn more about the good shepherd and the meanings behind the letter lamed. In doing so, you will find great treasures and more connection with your heavenly father who created you.

My prayer for you...

The LORD provides bread for life and living water through His word. When we read the bible we are feasting on the bread of life which is Yeshua. Yeshua said "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.'” - John 7:38

Yeshua is our good shepherd. He has given me a thirst for Him and a love of His word. I pray that you also would discover a hunger and thirst for the scriptures and for His righteousness. Matthew 5:6 says "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled." May your hunger never cease and may you always be filled. May the love of Christ be ever in your heart and may rivers of living water always flow from you. I thank Yeshua for His love, sacrifice and provision. Thank you, YeHoVaH, for the blood that He shed on the cross as payment for our sins. May you dwell in the house of the LORD forever and ever. In Yeshua's name, amen.

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